Monday 24 June 2013

treasure: balance and the whatnot

I start back at uni this week. I haven't studied since I finished my BA in 2007, and many things have happened since those good old days. Isn't it funny how each second you live is going to become one of those good old days, eventually?

It's that thought that puts things in a form of perspective for me; it also makes me more appreciative of right now, this time of my life where I remake all my plans again. 

There's a lot going on; the more I write, the more I find I have to say. I have the opposite of writers block; I have writer's panic. The momentum of the past week has been gratifying and inspiring, but I realised tonight when I didn't want to study because I wanted to write (granted, introductory chapters to accounting textbooks don't tend to glue one's eyes to the page) that I have to calm the fuck down. I actually don't have to choose; I can do all of the things.


Seeing as I've started on a path of sorts with my writing, I'd like to keep putting things out there that people want to read. I'd also like to study so I am much more employable as someone who can take all their well-meant ideas and turn them into actions. I'd like to work in the non-profit sector eventually, with other passionate people. I'd like my writing to be informed by life experience, always. 

Please, swing me a comment from time to time and let me know how I'm going with that.

I'll try not to blog about accounting.

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